
Three Sisters Salad

Native Americans kindly showed the settlers the concept of Three Sisters: corn, squash and beans planted together in the same hillock with a fish at the bottom for nutrients. The corn stalk would grow tall, giving the beans a place to climb. The beans would fix nitrogen into the soil. The squash planted around the base would shade the roots with their big leaves and help to retain moisture. This practice created a symbiotic arrangement that produced a healthy environment for all three plants to survive.

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Summer Bounty, Part 1: Ratatouille

These warm summer months give us the most colorful produce of the year, and if you have a garden, they come in great abundance, and all at once. I’ve been subscribing to a CSA  this summer (that’s “Consumer Supported Agriculture” – basically a subscription service to a local farm with weekly boxes of whatever is

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Pumpkin Salsa

This may or may not be my last pumpkin post of the season, but we are experiencing an unexpected pumpkin bounty here, so Pumpkin Salsa seemed like a great idea.  I was gifted with this enormous Banana Squash, along with some yellow-fleshed Acorn Squash, creamy yellow-skinned and white-fleshed Summer Squash, and some miniature decorative pumpkins. 

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Pumpkin for Pups and Paleos

‘Tis the season for Pumpkin Everything! I’m generally not one to follow the crowd, but when it comes to pumpkins, I’m a big fan.  These gems of the autumn garden bring summer’s warmth into the cooler months and give us a boost of rich vitamin A and Beta carotene, anti-oxidants, carbohydrates and fiber that keep

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