herbs in cooking

Herbs in Cooking part 3: Chef Christy’s Favorites

Now that we’ve covered several wonderful ways to incorporate herbs into your menus in Herbs in Cooking parts 1 and 2, I thought I would see what my favorites were.
I went to my spice shelves and took a quick inventory. Here’s what I found when surveyed my most-used (dried) seasonings. I have lots more, but these are the ones that I run out of and replace.

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Herbs in Cooking

Herbs enhance the variety, flavor, aroma, color, and interest of your foods. Fresh herbs in salads add green chlorophyll to freshen your breath and benefit your digestion as well. You can process your herb mixtures in a small food processor or blender, your if you are really hard-core, break out your big mortar and pestle and have at it! Kids love using a mortar and pestle!

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