Welcome to the launch of a new blog and website: Ask Chef Christy. While the technology is new, the concept has been growing for quite some time. I started out at a young age as a know-it-all, which my sisters always said in a way that made me think they somehow felt that was a bad thing. Beats me. In any case, I can usually be trusted to have some information or related comment on a variety of topics, specifically anything to do with food, food history, natural and healthy eating. vitamins and supplementation, historical reenactment, dogs, cats and natural animal care, being Mrs. Claus, and Scrabble. You are welcome to throw whatever questions you like at me, and I’ll do my best to answer.
My primary focus here will be helping people figure out the best food path for themselves. Everyone is different and has unique dietary needs and lifestyle parameters. I can help you navigate all of the conflicting information you have and figure out your best options.
I am not a Nutritionist, Registered Dietitian or medical worker. I cannot diagnose your symptoms and will refer you to medical professionals to get accurate diagnoses. Gather as much information as you can and then we’ll piece it all together.
I am a Chef Instructor with 35 year’s experience. I am a heavy set woman that was put on my first diet at age 5, believe me, I know the ropes. I am also Gluten Free, Dairy Free, and A+ blood type among other factors that influence my personal dietary choices.
Stay tuned for more posts and development on the site. Your feedback is welcome. In the mean time, do what my family, friends, students, clients and complete strangers have always done; ask me anything.
Chef Christy